Curso de Escritura Creativa en Inglés
A new, innovative course for developing creative and practical writing skills in English.
Do you need written English skills for work, formal studies, your favourite social media sites or a particular creative interest?
Would you like to develop greater confidence in your own voice on the page?
This course takes an in-depth look at 6 language tendencies to see how they can unlock the power in your writing and give it greater clarity and purpose.
In each session we will explore how and why we write in practical and participative activities that include reading, reflection and discussion. There are individual and collaborative writing activities in every class, as well as an opportunity to take a particular written task further.
You will receive feedback on your writing as well as a mid-course one-to-one tutorial to discuss the option of writing a longer text.
1. Lexical lines by F. Griffin
2. Brevity by D. Brint
3. Memory and Imagination by F. Griffin
Pause for mid-course one-to-one tutorial
4. Gothic by D. Brint
5. Pleasure by F. Griffin
6. Journeys by D. Brint
Minimal level entry requirement C1.
Course price 200 euros.
Dr Daniel Brint is a teacher, materials writer and teacher trainer with special interest in literature, visual media and creative writing. Daniel worked for the British Council for 25 years and is now director of Upper Street School of English, Madrid. He gives teacher training courses and is an online tutor for the Comunidad de Madrid and the University of Alcalá. Daniel has written material for Cambridge University Press’s textbooks CITIZEN Z and PREPARE and is co-author of the British Council-Espasa collaboration Las 500 Dudas más Frecuentes del Inglés.
Finola Griffin is a teacher, teacher trainer and writer based in Madrid. She holds an MA Applied Linguistics (2003) and MA Creative Writing (2018) with the Open University, and has worked for the last twenty years for the British Council, Madrid. She has written courses on the novel, the graphic novel, creative writing and using graded readers for the Comunidad de Madrid’s CTIF centres, has given creative writing courses to fashion students at the IED University, written a reader for Burlington Books and worked as a copywriter and translator. She has written teaching materials and a variety of courses for the British Council throughout her career there.
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Contactaremos contigo y te indicaremos cómo hacer la prueba de nivel.
Empieza a mejorar tu inglés.